Digital Wallet
A family digital wallet that enables the guardian to manage their finances, add dependents, set daily limits of spending, restrict items and view the child's purchases.
A family digital wallet that enables the guardian to manage their finances, add dependents, set daily limits of spending, restrict items and view the child's purchases.
You can fund your wallet and set a daily limit of spending for each dependent
Yes, your dependents may manage their wallet independetly when you give them full access to the app (Check the app access levels section)
You can achieve this by setting a daily limit of spending for each of the dependents such that they do not exceed that value
The available payment tokens for the dependents differ per each school agreement: Face Recognition, QR Code, Cards, Wristbands
Parent must activate the token by uploading the dependent's image via the app. Then, the dependent proceeds to the canteen and pay by selecting the face recognition method and scans their face on the device to be processed and matched.
You can order from the app by going to the dependent's profile and clicking on "Order Card/Wristband" and completing the order. You can pick it up from the school.
You can disable the card or wristband through the app by the toggle on the dependent's profile. You can enable it the same way or reorder later (given the fact that the old one will be automatically cancelled when ordering a new one)
Yes, the dependent can use it outside the school at stores which have WAKI payments enabled.
You can enable any of the payment methods simultaneously except for card and wristband where there should be only one enabled at once.