Being around...

نقدم لك العديد من الخدمات المتنوعة التي تلائم احتياجاتك، سواء كان الهدف هو تعزيز الوعي المالي لدى الطفل، أو توفير حلول الدفع المتنوعة للشركات، فإن شركة واكي ملتزمة بتمكين الأطفال وعائلاتهم والشركات الناشئة والأسر المنتجة.

Manage your family's financial account

Accept payments and manage your inventories

Advanced payment solutions


Point of Sale

Integrated payments solutions provide points of sale that enable various sectors to manage, receive and sell their products through a various payment methods and tokens.

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Digital Wallet

Family digital wallet enabling guardians to manage their dependent's expenses by setting daily limits, selecting payment tokens, and receiving instant notifications.

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Dismissal Call

Calling system that enables guardians to pick up their dependents safely, eliminating traditional calling methods and enhancing the traffic management around the school.

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Attendance solution that records students check-in and check-out, enabling the school and guardians to monitor the process digitally, eliminating with manual attendance methods.

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Point of Sale

تقدم حلول المدفوعات المدمجة نقاط بيع متكاملة تمكن مختلف القطاعات من إدارة منتجاتهم وعرضها وبيعها عبر إحدى وسائل الدفع.

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Digital Wallet

تمكن أولياء الأمور من إدارة مصروفات أبناءهم في المدارس عن طريق تحديد الصرف اليومي، اختيار وسيلة الدفع المناسبة واستقبال اشعارات فورية.

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Dismissal Call

Enables parents to call their dependents in a smooth and safe way And dispensing with traditional calling methods With options and flexibility, traffic management around the school.

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The ability to record student's attendance and monitor the process electronically according to specific rules for each class to dispense with traditional attendance methods.

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Target Audience




Event Organizers


ISO/IEC 27001:2022

WAKI obtained the international ISO certificate in the scope of payment solutions after passing all audit mechanisms and verifying compliance with the required standards and requirements.

Entrepreneurial Projects

We are proud to be one of the pioneering projects incubated by the Code Club Digital Entrepreneurship Center of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

أفضل منصة دفع غير نقدي في السعودية لعام 2023

International Business Magazine

أسرع شركة تقنية مالية نموًا في السعودية لعام 2023

World Business Outlook