Request Delete Data
In accordance with our Privacy Policy, WAKI, as listed on the Google Play Store, provides a clear and direct way to request deletion of your personal data associated with your account. This page explains the simple steps involved and the data types affected by your request. In addition, we explain any data that may be held for legal or regulatory purposes, but always in an anonymised form.
First: The required data is filled in the form
Second: After filling out the form, we will receive your request to start processing it
Third: You will be contacted via the registered mobile number to confirm your request
- The data will be deleted upon your request, and you are advised that once deleted it cannot be recovered.
- The following data is deleted:
*ID numbers associated with the account
* Mobile numbers linked to the account
* Email - * Any personal photos (account photos), if any
*Dependents' data under this account
Records of your transactions may be kept without being linked to your name or any user information